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Tokyo's best muffins: vegan muffins at Go!MuffinsGo!

Writer's picture: Josefa-LisaJosefa-Lisa

Updated: Aug 9, 2020

In Germany when we go to someones home to celebrate or if there are parties at school or work we often bring muffins with us, just because it is so easy to prepare them and everyone can just grab one. As I grew up in a culture where we eat them a lot, I kind of missed eating them here in Japan. Especially as a vegan it is hard to find really good ones. So, when I came across "Go!MuffinsGo!" on Instagram, I instantly decided to give them a try.

「Go! Muffins Go!」について

According to the website, the shop founder used to work in New York, London and Instanbul. She used the experiences she gained there to create vegan sweets rich in flavour.

"Go!MuffinsGo!" has two shops which are in Tokyo. One is in Shibuya (open only Saturday and Sunday) and the other one in Nishiogikubu (open only on Sunday and Thursday). As I've been to the one in Shibuya only I will introduce that one.

About the Shibuya shop

The shop is located in a small street about a 15min walk away from the Hachiko statue in Shibuya. When we arrived at first we weren't able to find the shop although google maps told us we were right in front of it. But when we looked up, we spotted it on top of another cafe.

When you enter the shop, you can see all the different muffins displayed on the counter. My first thought was that they were much bigger than expected and they looked so good I wanted to try them all!

As the Shibuya shop is tiny they only offer take out. But that's no problem as you can eat for example in Yoyogi park which is very close. I think the muffins are perfect when you are planing to picnic in the park or go watch cherry blossoms or autumn leaves there.

abuout the muffins

They offer not only sweet muffins but also savory ones. I personally chose three different muffins.

The first one is a savory one with onion and dill inside. It is a bit salty and not sweet at all. It kind of reminded me on pizza bread and might be suitable as a meal. Also it tasted like there might be no sugar inside at all, so maybe it even is kind of healthy ;)

The second one had blueberry and pineapple inside. You can find blueberry muffins everywhere but I had never seen one with pineapple inside before. The pineapple gave it a nice sweetness and juiciness but not too sweet.

The first one was a very Japanese-like flavor with matcha and azuki beans. The matcha taste was not that strong, so the muffin had a nice sweetness.

All in all the Muffins at "Go! Muffins Go!" are quite big so that I got super full after only two, even though I hadn't eaten any lunch on that day. The top of the muffins is nice and crispy while the inside is soft and fluffy which I personally love. Also with a price of 390 yen they are not very expensive I'd say.

What I love

  • all vegan

  • the muffins are big

  • the top is crispy while the inside is fluffy

  • the muffins are not too sweet

  • the Shibuya shop is close to the Yoyogi park

  • they pack the muffins in paper instead of plastic

  • not too expensive (390 yen)

  • they sell cookies, too


Other places where you can find sweets from「Go! Muffins Go!」


• 昭島PLAY (有機アガベシロップ使用のフルーツシロップ各種&小さめマフィン)

• FOOD & COMPANY (新宿NEWoMan店 マフィン毎週火曜&木曜 およびショートブレッド/湘南店 ショートブレッド)

• SALON adam et ropeアトレ吉祥寺店/銀座店/二子玉川店/あべのHoop店(ショートブレッド販売/常設)

• GrandSta Marunouchi (火曜夕方入荷予定)



Opening times


saturdays> 11:30-17:00

sundays> 12:00-17:00


sundays > 11:00-17:00

thursdays > 12:00-17:00




42-2-2F Kamiyama-cho. Shibuya



4-2-3-2F Momoi, Suginami



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